About The Owner And Family

Myself in my LPN workwear....

Carolyn F Norman 


The Proprietor...

My first experiences with firearms goes back to when my grandfather had me shooting cans with a little mossberg 22 when I was 5 years old in the good ole state of Louisiana.  Shortly thereafter he had me hunting with him, shooting squirrels and bringing them to the table.  I learned early on to respect and to rely on firearms.  That's where the passion began.  By the way I still own that little 22.

After moving to KY and going through grade school and then high school I enlisted in the US Air Force in 2005.  Of course shooting and qualifying on the various weapons came naturally.  I was well versed in firearms and marksmanship being a country boy and an avid hunter.  I enlisted as a 2W2X1 Nuclear Weapons Apprentice.  I learned with that job that precision was everything, and quality work was a must, not just an option as you can imagine.  I actually purchased my first Milsurp rifle on Minot AFB in 2008, a M91/30.  After dealing with a back injury for a few years I was discharged in 2009.

I started Cold Creek Custom Arms back in 2014 because I love my 2nd Amendment Rights.  I love Military Surplus Rifles and enjoyed restoring neglected and sporterized ones back to their rightful configurations.  So here I went....I got an FFL and turned a passion into a business.  I quickly found my niche though was in the Kalishnikovs.  I made most of my first tools from crude, repurposed equipment never meant to be AK building tools.  But hey humble beginnings.  Once the demand picked up I acquired professional tools and began really putting kits together.  Actually in the area of 2015-2018 that was my full time job.  AKs...and stay at home dad.  Who could ask for more?  

Then came a divorce.  Things changed quickly and I had to go back to my nursing career to make ends meet.  Fast forward a few years to 2022.  New marriage (2020), Newborn son (2022), and still a demand for gunsmithing and AK builds!  I stepped back into the light and decided it was time to offer my services once more.  Time to dust off the old tools and get production back up and running.  Now I have many things planned.  October 26, 2023 we lost my adopted mother (biological grandmother), Carolyn, who raised me and even signed my papers to allow me to enlist at 17!  We love you always, and cherish the time with you and the impact you made on this Earth.  Most of the world will never know your name, but I damn sure do!  She was interred on Nov 4th at the Kentucky Veterans Cemetery North in Williamstown, Ky amongst heroes, right where she belongs.  I sent her a piece dear to me in her hands, a dog tag of mine.  It was an original, issued in basic training.  Until we meet again! 

From My "step children"  They are only step children by name to me, they are as good as my own in this family.  When I remarried I gained 2 more children of my own.  This father's day gift warmed my heart tremendously!

Missy (Top right) and Junior (Bottom Left) my other babies and "shop dogs".  They supervise my operations in the shop.

My daughter Savannah, my firstborn, and myself at the SeaTac airport.

My daughter MaKayla 2023.

Malachi my son 2023

My son Elijah, Newest addition to my family!  He is becoming quite attached to his dad and gun parts!

My wife Lori!  My best friend, mother of my son!  What else can I say?  She keeps me anchored.

Here's me in 2006 in Nuclear School at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Tx.  

Lackland AFB 320th TRS ,Flt 527 Air Force BMT Aug-Sep 05

Without Family We Are Nothing.  My Family Is My Everything To Me.  They Keep Me Going When Times Are Tough, And When Things Seem Bleak, They Are There At My Side Supporting Me.  Thank You Lori, Malachi, MaKayla, Savannah, and Elijah For Always Being There For Me.  I Love You All!!!
