Contact Us

How to get in touch with me for work or estimates is simple....

My email is Please allow at least 24 hr for a reply

My phone is (859) 951-6085.  I prefer text if possible.  If you have to call please email me or text me to setup a call time, I work odd shifts as a nurse also on top of gunsmithing so my sleep schedule is strange as you can imagine!

My shop is currently based out of my house in a room dedicated as my workspace.  I currently don't have set hours.  If you'd like to drop by and try your firearm when it's done you may, If your driver's license matches exactly where the firearm originated from!  Or if I'm transferring it to you ( if I got the receiver for you) you must live in an adjoining state and it must be a rifle!  Then you may do the paperwork and pick up and try your finished product!  Locals always welcome for transfers and range time!